Download Bounty Hunter Wallpaper

Bounty Hunter
Gondar the Bounty Hunter is a melee agility Hero that excels at hunting, chasing down and killing single targets. His skill set allows him to roam and gank very effectively, as his Shadow Walk allows him to sneak up to unsuspecting targets to initiate. Shadow Walk is also an effective escape and mobility spell, as he can run from dangerous situations and roam invisibly around the map to keep the enemy guessing even if they have Observer Wards active. His ability to deal large amounts of damage with Jinada, interrupt their Town Portal Scrolls with Shuriken Toss, and keep perfect tabs on their location and movements with Track all make him a powerful and ruthless ganker who is all but impossible to escape once he has his sights locked in. Bounty Hunter's ability to roam, scout and get important kills for his team while bolstering their gold gain with Track can secure his team a strong gold advantage, and give his foes no safe place to hide

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